International Workshop on Global Collaboration of Information Schools WIS 2011
时间:2011-08-29 16:58:42  来源:  作者:simyjs  点击量:

International Workshop on Global Collaboration of Information Schools

October 24, 2011
ICADL 2011 (, Beijing, China

The deadline and acceptance notification for this extra-call are Sept. 12 (Mon) and Sept. 24(Sat), respectively.

Papers accepted for presentation will be published online from the CiSAP website at The due date for publishing will be announced soon.


For authors willing to present their research but not publish their papers

Authors who are willing to present their research results at WIS 2011 and brush up their papers for future publication from journals or other conferences based on the discussion at WIS 2011, should indicate their intention for future publication in response to the acceptance notification. For those authors, WIS 2011 will publish only extended abstracts. As the reviewing is full-paper basis submissions only by abstract will be automatically rejected.


About WIS 2011

Following the discussions at WIS 2010 at JCDL-ICADL 2010 in Surfers Paradise (, Australia, WIS 2011 is planned as a pre-conference workshop of International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries 2011, Beijing, China, to foster the development of a global iSchool community. The aim of WIS 2011 is to seek collaborations among interested institutions across geographical regions and provides a forum for researchers at information schools to exchange their ideas. In particular, several universities in the Asia Pacific have recently formed the Consortium of information Schools in Asia Pacific (CiSAP) consortium with the objectives to promote the establishment and development of iSchools in the region, as well as to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas for education and research. iSchools in North America, on the other hand, under the flag of iCaucus, have been organizing an annual iSchool conference series to facilitate collaboration among their members.

The roundtable discussion will be formed to promote mutual understanding among the delegates from iSchools. The presentation sessions will be formed to create a forum for students and young researchers to promote their research and to exchange their ideas.

Workshop Framework
2011 will have three parts,

  • Roundtable Discussion: Discussion by invited delegates
  • Research Forum: Presentations of research papers reviewed by the organizing committee based on the quality
  • Doctoral Students Forum: Presentations by PhD students and discussion with participants.

Research Forum

Young researchers and PhD students are encouraged to submit their papers to Research Forum or Doctoral Students Forum. The topics are shown below but not limited to,

  • Digital Libraries, Archives, Curation and Preservation
  • Information Access, Discovery and Retrieval
  • Metadata and Knowledge Organization
  • LIS Education, Professional practices, and LIS and Society
  • Web, Social networking and Information management

Doctoral Students Forum
Doctoral students, who are not submitting a research paper, may submit a synopsis of their PhD research project based on the following points:
- Research topic, background and main research questions
- proposed research methods, and
- anticipated outcome/implications, etc.

Call for Papers:

WIS 2011 solicit submissions of Papers for Research Forum and Synopses for Doctoral Students Forum. Please prepare papers and synopses following the guidelines below and submit them to WIS 2011.

  • Research Forum Paper: All papers should be within 10 pages and follow a consistent presentation and citation style (e.g APA or Harvard).
  • Doctoral Students Forum: The research synopsis should be within four pages, and should be written in a consistent manner covering the above points.

Submission Instruction

Authors should send their research papers and research synopses by email to the submission address ( Papers and synopses have to be in PDF format. Authors should include the following information in the email message text,

  • Name, affiliation and email address of the corresponding author, and
  • Type of submission: Research Paper or Research Synopsis.

Contact Addresses

  • Submissions:
  • Inquiry:


Important Dates
Submission Due and Acceptance Notification are extended (2011.7.28).

  • Submission Due: August 5, 2011 -> August 15, 2011
  • Acceptance Notification: August 26, 2011 -> August 29, 2011
  • Camera Ready Copy Due: to be announced

Extended submission dates, announced on August 14
WIS 2011 calls extra submissions and receives contributions by September 12, 2011. Submissions in response to this call will be reviewed separately from those submissions to the first call.

  • Submission Due: September 12, 2011
  • Acceptance Notification: September 24, 2011
  • Camera Ready Copy Due: to be announced

2011 is a pre-conference event of ICADL 2011. Please refer registration information at ICADL 2011 Web site (


CiSAP (Consortium of iSchools - Asia Pacific) was established on 5 December 2008 as a not-for-profit organisation to promote collaboration among iSchools in the Asia Pacific region. As of June 2011, 20 institutions from 10 different countries have joined CiSAP. Members of the Consortium are academic institutions for higher education interested and involved in education and research in the area of 'information'. Being part of CiSAP and being involved in the consortium's activities provides member institutions an important opportunity for international engagements and for raising the profile of their information school programmes and research. CiSAP is founded as a voluntary organization and does not require a membership fee.

The iSchools ( were founded in the early 2000s to establish broad recognition of the information field and its importance to society. In this role, they sought to position a group of academic institutions to identify, clarify and speak to the major issues, challenges and driving questions at the nexus of information, technology and society. The defining characteristics of iSchools include:
an interest in the relationships among information, technology, and people;
a commitment to learning and understanding the role of information in human endeavors;
a recognition that expertise in all forms of information is required for progress in science, business, education, and culture; and a belief that this expertise must include understanding of the uses and users of information, as well as information technologies and their applications.

Organizing Committee:

  • Gobinda Chowdhury(Univ. of Technology Sydney, Australia)
  • Shigeo Sugimoto (U.Tsukuba,Japan)


  • Christine Borgman (University of California Los Angeles, USA)
  • Harry Bruce (University of Washington, USA)
  • Hsueh-hua Chen(National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
  • Nisachol Chomnongsri (Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand)
  • Gobinda Chowdhury (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
  • Hideo Joho (University ofTsukuba, Japan)
  • Hao-Ren Ke (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
  • Christopher Khoo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Chern Li Liew (Victoria University Wellington, NZ)
  • Ronald L. Larsen (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Ee-Peng Lim (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
  • Lampang Manmart (Khon Kaen Univerisuty, Thailand)
  • Gary Marchionini (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA)
  • Edie Rasmussen (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  • Michael Seadl (Humbolt University Germany)
  • Shigeo Sugimoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
  • Shalini Urs (University of Mysore, India)
  • Vilas Wuwongse (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
  • Sohaimi Zakaria (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
  • Qingshan Zhou (Peking University, China)

